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Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church!
If you are a visitor, thank you for visiting us online and we look forward to welcoming you personally to our vibrant faith family in Pomona, California. We hope that everyone who enters our doors will experience a sense of warmth and belonging that makes St. Joseph's such a special place.
If you are a parishioner, we hope that you will find the information that you need in order to become more fully engaged in the life of our family of faith.
St. Joseph is a Roman Catholic parish in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. As a Catholic community of faith, we know that the Mass is central to our lives. Through the Eucharist, we celebrate Christ’s saving love for us and for all. We know that in the Mass, Christ is truly present through the words of Sacred Scripture, through the presence of the priest, through one another as the Body of Christ, and in a special way in the bread and wine which become the Body and Blood of Christ our Lord. Our parish recognizes that such amazing love calls for great response, and so we have committed ourselves to be good stewards of all God’s many blessings. We offer ourselves in service within this parish and in our city and world; St. Joseph Catholic Church is a community of disciples and stewards who are on a lifelong journey of faith together.
St. Joseph is a parish in which you can truly belong! Whether you are just beginning to explore Catholicism or have been Catholic all of your life; whether you have stayed on the fringes of parish life in the past or are already involved in ministry; St. Joseph is a parish that values you. As a community, we care for one another, knowing that through our ministry we perceive Christ’s presence among us. With the support of one another as Church, we serve those most in need in our city and world, through direct service, collections of food, clothing, and gifts, and through monetary contributions in mission, as we help to contribute to the reign of God in our world.
In addition to daily Mass and the Sacraments, we offer more than 40 programs and outreach ministries. Come explore who we are and what we have to offer to help you grow in holiness and your Catholic faith.
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