The Rite of Marriage is a very special moment and the process of marriage begins well before the rite and deepens and grows for years after. In preparing couples for marriage, the Church focuses on both the rite and the process. In Catholic belief, Christ is at the center of married love; celebrated in the context of the Church and its faith tradition, marriage is understood as a covenant and an integral part of the journey of faith. Marriage in the Church is approached with great seriousness and deliberation. It is the responsibility of the pastor or other pastoral staff members appointed to help a couple discern their freedom and readiness to take this important step.
The Church requires a preparation period of six months prior to the wedding to explore the couple’s readiness, to take care of necessary paperwork, and to ensure that the couple takes the time needed to prepare well. Engaged couples should secure a date for use of the church and begin this process before making commitments with caterers, reception facilities, etc. Please do not lock in a wedding date until you’ve spoken to the priest first.
Call the Parish Office at (909) 629-4101 for an information packet and to make arrangements for an initial interview with the priest.