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Below are the ministries and organizations that you are invited to join here at St. Joseph Catholic Church

To contact any of the ministries below,
please call the Parish Office at (909) 629-4101

Ministries: English

Faith Formation Ministries

Sacramental Preparation

Ms. Garcia â€‹

Liturgy & Worship Ministries

Director of Music

  • Ning Manahan

11am Choir

Kenneth Truong 


Lectors participate in the liturgy as part of the body of Christ to proclaim the Word of God. We strive to seek Christ daily and live what is proclaimed with charity and conviction. 

  • Fr. Steven Guitron



  • Adan Lopez


Marriage Coordinators

  • Jose & Maria Mendoza





Outreach Ministries

Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP)

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to feeding, clothing, housing and healing individuals and families in our community who have no where else to turn for help. Just as important, SVdP provides meaningful opportunities for volunteers to serve their neighbors in need with love and compassion.  Here at St. Joseph Church in Pomona, we make and deliver 100 lunches twice a week to the Shelter on Mission Ave.


During the hours of 9:00 am and 12:00 pm on Tuesdays and Fridays, we are open to distribute food, clothing and financial assistance.







Young Ladies Institute (YLI)

An organization of Catholic Women dedicated to the Christian principles of charity and love. Our purpose is to help others. We participate in programs of charitable activities and have fundraisers in order to donate to charities such as:

  • Special Olympics

  • Hospice

  • Catholic Charities

  • and St. Vincent de Paul, to name a few.

Other activities include:

  • Perpetual novenas

  • Scholarships

  • Support of Golden Jubilee Burse for the education of seminarians

Mimi Loop


Knights of Columbus

James Sanchez


Catholic Men's Fellowship

Edgar Mendoza

Tuesdays at 6:45pm 

Monsignor English Hall


Just as we go to the gym to train and grow strong, so too that we must grow stronger in our faith. As the Catholic Men's Fellowship chapter of St. Joseph's in Pomona, we are open to men of all ages to strengthen their faith in Christ and to become better sons, brothers, husbands, fathers and friends as we strive towards and embrace the perfect masculinity of our Lord, Jesus Christ, while we lead our lives like our parish patron saint - Saint Joseph - as he answered in saying "Yes" to our Lord.


Our Core Values Are:

  • Be a Man for Jesus

  • Be a Man for Others

  • Be a Man of Integrity

  • Be a Man of Forgiveness and Discipline

  • Be a Man of Prayer and Responsibility

  • Be a Man of Humility and Love

  • Be a Man on a Mission


Email List Sign Up:


Young Adults of St. Joseph (YAS)

Zelie Ebiner

Fridays at 7:30pm-9:00pm

Eucharistic Holy Hour in the church followed

by fellowship in La Casita San Jose


Are you between 18 and 39 years old? Are you in college?
Our Young Adult Ministry meets Friday evenings from 7:30pm to 9:30pm starting with Eucharistic Holy Hour in the Church followed by fellowship, discussion, games, refreshments and more in the Casita  San Jose.

For other Young Adult events throughout the year, join their email list or see the Sunday bulletin.

For additional information or to join, please contact Zelie Ebiner at


St. Joseph Teen Ministry

Griselda Cardenas

Araceli Eckart

Lizzette Regueiro 

High school teens are invited for social time and Adoration every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. We meet at St. Joseph Catholic Church in the Monsignor English Hall from 6:15 to 8:45 p.m. The suggested meal donation is $5. Parents are always welcome. For more information, email 


Family Ministries

Families in Christ Jesus Community (FCJC)

Our mission is "Families Bringing Families to Christ."

We are a Family Ministry and a federation of Catholic Christian Communities who believe in the urgent need to respond to God’s call to proclaim and defend His Gospel on the family.


We evangelize primarily through our Life in Christ  Series (LCS), and meet regularly in small faith communities. We also offer retreats, recollections and teachings.


Jun & Marie Datuin


Prayer Ministries

Women Contemplative Prayer Group

Meeting Day/Time: Every Monday at 7:15pm

Location: The Arabic Center


You are invited to join women's Contemplative Prayer Group.

A time of silent meditation and prayerful reflection Using the Carmelite method of mental prayer.


Mental prayer in my opinion is nothing else than an intimate sharing between friends. It means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us. -St. Teresa of Avila


Family Life Ministry

Every Friday after the 8AM Mass


The Family Life Ministry invites you to pray the Rosary for the unborn and their parents. We gather in front of the Planned Parenthood at 1550 N Garey Ave in Pomona to pray for the most vulnerable.


Flame of Love Rosary

7:15 AM Monday-Friday inside of the Church

Ministries: Hispanos

Ministerios de Liturgia y Adoración

(Liturgy & Worship Ministries)

Coro de Adultos (Adult Choir)

9:30am Misa

Margarito Elías


Coro de Adultos (Adult Choir)

12:30pm Misa

Andrew Batres


Lectores (Lectors)

Andres Dimas


Acólitos (Altar Servers)

Jeremiah Aquino


Coordinadores Matrimoniales
arriage Coordinators)

Jose y Maria Mendoza


Hora Santa Sacerdotal

(Priestly Holy Hour)

Diacono Margarito Barrios

Viernes a las 5:00pm

(Friday at 5:00 pm)


Homeschool Community

St. Joseph Homeschooling Community (SJHC) is a Catholic community of homeschooling families in the San Gabriel Valley & Inland Empire.


SJHC is under the guidance of our chaplain, Fr. Steven Guitron who is pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Pomona, CA. We welcome you to join us for monthly Masses, Sacramental preparation, spiritual formation, and fellowship.



Contact Information:

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